Financial goals for 2020: thinking of retiring early?

financial goals

Ever dreamed of retiring before 60? It is possible, but only if you can start early. Maybe 2020 might be a good time to start?

If you are thinking of an early retirement, you need to work out how much you will need to fund the lifestyle you want. Be realistic. To quit your job, you need to really look at what you spend and how much you really need to continue living the way you are used to. Do others depend on you for finances? Have you paid off your home? You will need to examine these points to establish how much income you need to generate each year to stop working full-time.

That’s not always easy. But there are some things you can do to make the dream more possible.



It’s not rocket science, but in order to think of early retirement, you need to have put money aside for this purpose. Work out how much you can save each month. Then consider what you might do with it. Will you leave it in the bank, or will you put it to use?



This has a lot to do with your personal risk tolerance. There are very few entrepreneurs or self-made millionaires who have not taken a risk at one point with their investments. But it needs to a considered risk, under the guidance of a professional. Basically, it’s the choice between leaving the money in the bank with little to no interest, or finding investment opportunities where your money will grow and deliver a return could stand you in good stead in future years.


Don’t get into debt

Being able to retire early is not possible if you are still carrying debt. Try to pay off more of your home loan each year, pay off the credit cards (or keep them to a minimum) and get debt levels under control.


Simplify your life

It’s not realistic for most people to imagine living in a mansion and having frequent overseas holidays if they only draw an income of $40,000 a year. Some people have been able to retire early by simplifying their life, and downsizing to save money. Perhaps this might involve selling a larger house and moving to another city or town with a cheaper cost of living? A sea change can work financially if planned properly.


Consider part-time work

It might be unrealistic for many to entirely retire when you are less than 60 years old, especially as we are all living longer. But you might be able to work less. If your investments are working for you, you could enjoy more free time by shifting to part-time, consultancy, or contract work which will provide you with more autonomy and will help to transition to full retirement more slowly.


The key to an early retirement is always in the planning. dmca advisory has the specialist knowledge to help you plan for the life you want to lead. 2020 might be a good time to schedule an appointment to discuss where you want to go, and how we can help you get there?

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