What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

The best piece of advice I have been given was from my father. It is ‘your life is your responsibility’. It has been with me since I was a little kid. As Dad keeps telling me, I am the only one who can control my life including my happiness, my energy, my career, my choices, my health and more. He taught me that when you are responsible for yourself, you can also support and inspire other people.

What is the number one myth most people believe about money/wealth management?

I believe one of the myths people believe is that just saving money is enough to create wealth. However, in reality, it is not enough to survive in this inflation-riddled world. We must find some way to invest in an asset class that produces higher returns than inflation to create lasting wealth.

What inspires you to get up in the morning?

My son inspires me to get up in the morning. He reminds me of what it’s like to just be excited to learn every day. How amazing is it that you never stop learning, growing and trying new things?!

What’s the most inspiring book you’ve ever read? Why?

‘On Writing…’ by Stephen King is one of my most inspiring books. This book helped me understand how to pass through difficult times in life and that we are not alone with our experiences.

Where are we likely to find you most Sunday mornings?

Any cafes near the beach 😊

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