My Prosperity is our new firm wide client portal, with both a web version and phone app.
A secure way to send a message to dmca. We can also invite third parties (e.g. mortgage brokers) to a room to securely provide documents for finance applications (example), without the third party being able to access anything outside of the designated room.
E Signing:
Integrated with our existing e signing platform, Annature, the signing process is the same as our clients are used to. However, once you sign a document, it will be stored in your MyProsperity Portal so you can easily log in and access it at any time. No more looking back through emails to find a copy of a signed document!
MyProsperity stores everything securely so you can access at any given time. We can upload files to send to you, and clients can upload documents to provide to dmca. If a client has the mobile app, they can upload directly from their mobile and will receive a push notification if dmca have sent them a document.
Mobile App:
MyProsperity is available in a mobile app, which is very user friendly. You can upload files straight from your mobile, sign documents, receive reminders if dmca need information from you, and can chat with us via the rooms function as well. If you turn the notifications on in the settings on your phone, you’ll receive a push notification any time there’s something that requires action from you, so you’ll never miss anything from us.
Wealth View:
Wealth clients will be able to view their wealth summary and all the relevant information as they previously could with the old portal, but in a cleaner, simpler view.